Welcome to St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Welcome to St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School.  We are a friendly and inclusive school with high expectations for all of our wonderful children.  Each child is created uniquely in the image of Christ and at our school we provide a nurturing environment where children can grow and develop spiritually, morally, socially and academically.

As a school, we recognise the importance of an excellent primary education on children’s life chances.  We are aiming for our children to graduate from primary school with a mastery of the curriculum so that they are ready for the next stage of their education as well as becoming well-rounded individuals with a high level of emotional intelligence.  There is a belief among the adults and children that everyone can achieve and that our potential to do so depends on effort rather than innate ability.

Our strong Catholic ethos and four core values, Faith, Aspiration, Effort and Respect  underpin everything that we do in school.  As a Catholic school, 10% of our timetable is dedicated to the teaching of RE and all children take part in daily collective worship.

Choosing a primary school is one of the most important decisions that you will make as parents so we are always very happy to welcome visits.  This is the best way to meet the children and staff, feel the school’s warm, caring atmosphere and experience the Catholic ethos which is at the heart of everything we do.

Laura Atkinson